The Prime Minister is expected to visit the Opposition Leader's territory and many people are anticipating a staunch commitment from the government to fix deteriorating infrastructures in the district.
Critics have predicted a no show for the PM, with organizers on ground trying their best to get approval for a K150,000 from the Bulolo treasury office to organise the program.
While outstanding District Services Improvement Project (DSIP) funds for Bulolo District have not been released by the Finance Department in the last four years, the Prime Minister has been invited to open a mining SSG funded project in the district.

Extracts from recent Facebook posts have indicated that the program has been postponed.
Bulolo Districts' Wau town community is gearing up and anticipate for PM Peter O'Neill's visit to officiate opening of a bridge located at the outskirts of Wau town.Protocol formalities is inquestion for the "Head of States visit" to Wau? There us no circular disseminated from the Bulolo District office administration officially disseminated to schools and state service agencies at Wau town for PMs visit.Interesting though.
David Wissink The bridge was funded by a Special Support Grant that came to the provincial government through the Hidden Valley MOA. Everything organised by the MPG.
Jaycee Alisap Tangabi Schedule visit by the Prime Minister to Wau cancelled to a later date yet to confirm and when it is confirmed than a Circular will go out to all Government and Public Institutions here and the general public too. The source of this info is the Political Head of the Wau /Bulolo ULLG the Lord Mayor Honourable Soga Gaumina who authorized K150,000 funding for the visit this week already but it was an 'in house' decision as an editorial comment in Friday's Post Courier had the Mayor fuming over this info leak. Reliable sources in the Treasury office of Bulolo District say the MP of Bulolo has challenged the release of this funding so all these will be subjected to further debate and rescheduling. A mayoral delegation will travel down to the Morobe Provincial Government office next week to further discuss this matter there.
Jaycee Alisap Tangabi Schedule visit by the Prime Minister to Wau cancelled to a later date yet to confirm and when it is confirmed than a Circular will go out to all Government and Public Institutions here and the general public too. The source of this info is the Political Head of the Wau /Bulolo ULLG the Lord Mayor Honourable Soga Gaumina who authorized K150,000 funding for the visit this week already but it was an 'in house' decision as an editorial comment in Friday's Post Courier had the Mayor fuming over this info leak. Reliable sources in the Treasury office of Bulolo District say the MP of Bulolo has challenged the release of this funding so all these will be subjected to further debate and rescheduling. A mayoral delegation will travel down to the Morobe Provincial Government office next week to further discuss this matter there.
The PM's visit on the other hand will have alot of impact on the mining affected communities, including the people that use the deteriorating Bulolo national highway.
It will provide the government with an insight on how they (government) are neglecting the district while playing politics and the people left to suffer in silence.

Bulolo district contributes a good fortune to the country's economic purse. The timber production by PNG Forest Products and the Hidden Valley Gold prospects in Bulolo have been active contributors providing employment for hundreds of local people and revenue for our GDP.
Peter Saul
May 17 at 7:53pm
Hi All it will be a great opportunity for us in Wau & Bulolo to Have PM visit the district.lets us get organised through our DA and address the issues we are facing here in the district to help assist our Member voice our needs to PM especially the Famous Kumalu section.... Wau, Bulolo was the place that the whole world eyed during colonial times and rush in making wau airport was the busiest airport in the whole world in the 1800s,as far as history can be recalled, Wau Bulolo today in term of development must be given the equal priority same to other oils and gas field developments ,, we cannot live every day face hardships and risk our self crossing Wet flooded Kumalu river on foot all the time, although DOW machines are there as temporary measures,, but what will be the permanent solution.. get this message clear to PM and at a Flyover permanent bridge be constructed over Kumalu, if this happens all the rest will be history .Besides Kumalu , there are other issues as well can be presented. Most of the services have been delivered by Hon Sam Basil which the small people are now using. while we acknowledged Sam Basil for Job well done, there are other real development issues to be address to PM so well come him, hear from him and not from social media face books comments.. i will be glad if he mentions of a flyover bridge at Kumalu.

While many people will see this visit as politically motivated and planned to raise awareness on government propaganda, it is also a good opportunity for the Bulolo people to question the PM over their outstanding DSIP funds.
The Prime Minister may have received a lot of criticisms over the allegations he's facing, but it is genuine that he addresses the people in one of the historical and economical towns in the country. This would be a great opportunity for the mainstream media in Morobe to highlight issues of national importance in regard to the Bulolo National Highway, Kumalu Bridge, the Hidden Valley MOA review and the outstanding DSIP funds for Bulolo.

Bulolo district contributes a good fortune to the country's economic purse. The timber production by PNG Forest Products and the Hidden Valley Gold prospects in Bulolo have been active contributors providing employment for hundreds of local people and revenue for our GDP.
Peter Saul
May 17 at 7:53pm
Hi All it will be a great opportunity for us in Wau & Bulolo to Have PM visit the district.lets us get organised through our DA and address the issues we are facing here in the district to help assist our Member voice our needs to PM especially the Famous Kumalu section.... Wau, Bulolo was the place that the whole world eyed during colonial times and rush in making wau airport was the busiest airport in the whole world in the 1800s,as far as history can be recalled, Wau Bulolo today in term of development must be given the equal priority same to other oils and gas field developments ,, we cannot live every day face hardships and risk our self crossing Wet flooded Kumalu river on foot all the time, although DOW machines are there as temporary measures,, but what will be the permanent solution.. get this message clear to PM and at a Flyover permanent bridge be constructed over Kumalu, if this happens all the rest will be history .Besides Kumalu , there are other issues as well can be presented. Most of the services have been delivered by Hon Sam Basil which the small people are now using. while we acknowledged Sam Basil for Job well done, there are other real development issues to be address to PM so well come him, hear from him and not from social media face books comments.. i will be glad if he mentions of a flyover bridge at Kumalu.

While many people will see this visit as politically motivated and planned to raise awareness on government propaganda, it is also a good opportunity for the Bulolo people to question the PM over their outstanding DSIP funds.
The Prime Minister may have received a lot of criticisms over the allegations he's facing, but it is genuine that he addresses the people in one of the historical and economical towns in the country. This would be a great opportunity for the mainstream media in Morobe to highlight issues of national importance in regard to the Bulolo National Highway, Kumalu Bridge, the Hidden Valley MOA review and the outstanding DSIP funds for Bulolo.
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