By Sylvester Gawi 

Madang town, located on the northern coast of Papua New Guinea, is a key provincial hub with significant historical and economic importance. However, the state of its roads has been a major concern for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

Current State of Madang Roads

Madang town's road network is characterized by widespread deterioration, primarily due to years of neglect, lack of maintenance, and natural factors such as heavy rainfall. 

Many roads are riddled with potholes, making them difficult and unsafe to navigate. 

The primary thoroughfares, including Modilon Road, which connects the town to other parts of the province, have faced extensive damage.

These conditions have resulted in increased vehicle wear and tear, higher transport costs, and extended travel times.

The town's inner roads also suffer from a lack of regular maintenance, which has compounded the challenges faced by local motorists, businesses, and public transport users. The poor road conditions have affected the smooth flow of goods and services, hindering economic activities that are vital to both the town and the surrounding rural areas.

Contributing Factors

Several factors contribute to the degradation of Madang's road network:

1. Poor Drainage Systems

The town's roads lack adequate drainage systems, causing waterlogging during rainy seasons, which weakens the road base and accelerates the formation of potholes.

2. Inconsistent Maintenance 

Maintenance of the roads has been sporadic, with many of the current issues resulting from delayed rehabilitation works.

3. Limited Government Funding

The Madang Provincial Government has faced financial constraints, limiting its capacity to allocate sufficient funds for road repairs and upgrades.

4. Heavy Usage

Madang's roads are essential for connecting rural areas to the urban center, leading to heavy usage by vehicles transporting goods, people, and services. This constant use without proper upkeep further damages the roads.

Impact on the Community and Economy

The poor road conditions have had far-reaching impacts:

- Economic Strain

Businesses are spending more on transportation, particularly for vehicle repairs and increased fuel consumption, while residents bear the brunt of higher public transportation costs. 

Delivery delays for goods and services also affect the supply chain, impacting local businesses and markets.

- Safety Hazards

Dangerous road conditions have contributed to an increase in traffic accidents, putting both pedestrians and drivers at risk.

- Social Services

Access to critical services like health and education is compromised, especially for people in rural areas. Poor roads hinder the timely transport of patients and limit school attendance during extreme weather conditions.

Recent Developments

Efforts to improve the town's roads have been slow but ongoing. There have been attempts by the national government to allocate funds for road rehabilitation projects in Madang, but these projects are often delayed or insufficiently executed. 

In 2023, there were signs of some new roadworks, with focus areas including portions of Modilon Road, but much remains to be done.

Local leaders and businesses have been advocating for a more coordinated approach to road infrastructure development, including better planning, regular maintenance, and sustainable funding mechanisms.


Madang's roads are in urgent need of consistent attention and investment. While there have been some efforts at improvement, much more is required to ensure safe, reliable, and efficient transportation for the town’s residents and visitors. Long-term strategies that prioritize road maintenance and infrastructure upgrades, coupled with better drainage solutions, will be critical to restoring and sustaining the road network. Improvements to the road system could also unlock significant economic potential for the town, allowing it to better serve as a gateway for trade and tourism in Papua New Guinea.
